
Ãœberblick aktueller Meldungen der stuckeGROUP.

We look forward to seeing you at the Wind Europe Summit in Copenhagen from April 8-10, 2025. You will find us within the German Pavilion in Hall D, booth C-40

stuckeGROUP offers control and protection devices that are developed inhouse and manufactured exclusively in Hamburg, Germany. Our products are in…

We hope to see you at Middle East Energy in Dubai from April 7-9, 2025 – and look forward to welcome you at our stand G38 within the German Pavilion in Hall H1

stuckeGROUP presents its products, solutions, applications and services for safe and reliable energy supply and control and protection of power…

We look forward to seeing you at ELECRAMA from February 22-26, 2025 at India Expo Mart in Delhi – please find us in Hall 6, stall D11

We present our multifunctional control and protection devices for engine control  as well as generator, motor, transformer, feeder, distance and line…

25. Ausbildungs- und Studienmesse TALENTE kompakt Hamburg am 17.10.2024. Wir sind dabei und Ihr hoffentlich auch!

In der Barclays Arena findet am 17. Oktober 2024 von 9 bis 18 Uhr die große Ausbildungs- und Studienmesse statt. Rund 100 Aussteller – Unternehmen und…

Sehen wir uns in Hamburg auf der SMM 2024 vom 3. bis 6. September? Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Die stuckeGROUP präsentiert auf der SMM ihre Produkte, Lösungen, Anwendungen und Leistungen rund um sichere und zuverlässige Energieversorgung auf…

Wir freuen uns, Sie auf der Posidonia 2024 vom 3. bis 7. Juni in der Metropolitan Expo Athen zu sehen.

In Halle 2, Stand 249 präsentiert die stuckeGROUP ihre Produkte, Lösungen, Anwendungen und Leistungen rund um sichere und zuverlässige…

We look forward to seeing you at Marintec China 2023 in Shanghai. Let us show you our products and solutions during this important event for the maritime industry.

Our certified control and protection systems offer engine control as well as generator, motor, transformer, feeder, line differential and arc…

The Renewables market is in the focus. Husum Wind is the platform for product innovations and state-of-the-art technology for this growing market. Visit us on booth 4A01 in Hall 4!

stuckeGroup exhibits its products and solutions for the on- and offshore renewables market at Husum Wind. We offer certified control and protection…